Christ the King Parish recently issued the following announcement.
All Christ the King/St. Gertrude Faith Formation/ Youth Ministry programs will be held at St. Gertrude Parish Center (former Cardinal Maida Academy). Our next Faith Formation, LIFETEEN and EDGE session will be held this Sunday, October 24th. Youth Ministry meets weekly. For more information about Faith Formation and Youth Ministry please visit the Christ the King website
If your child is entering 7th grade, then they MUST enroll in the middle school EDGE program in order to receive Confirmation (in 8th grade). They must also have regular attendance during their 7th/8th grade years. Confirmation is a three-year program so ideally they should attend EDGE from 6th-8th grade.
If you are enrolled in Catholic School please contact Katie at 724-212-6740 so that we have accurate records. We particularly need to know if your child is enrolled at Catholic school in 2nd or 8th grade as they receive their sacraments at the parish to which they belong.
If your child is entering 1st grade, then they MUST enroll in Faith Formation in order to receive First Reconciliation/Communion (in 2nd grade). They must also have regular attendance during their 1st/2nd grade years.
If you wish to have your child receive the Sacraments this year then please be sure that they are registered no later than the Sunday, October 31st, 2021 deadline.
Thank you to all of those who have registered for Faith Formation (FF)/Youth Ministry (YM). If you haven’t registered for FF/YM online, please do so ASAP. To register, scan the QR code above using a smartphone or visit > Formation tab > Faith Formation/Youth Ministry.
Original source can be found here.