State Rep. Abby Major | Pennsylvania 60th Legislative District
State Rep. Abby Major | Pennsylvania 60th Legislative District
Legislation introduced by Representative Abby Major, aimed at updating land bank operations, has been enacted into law. The new law redefines quorum requirements for land bank board meetings to include both virtual and physical attendees.
"This law will allow land bank boards to move into the 21st century for meetings," said Major. "The pandemic has shown us that virtual meetings are an effective way to conduct business. Due to busy lives, boards like this sometimes have difficulty reaching a quorum. This update will allow board members to join in no matter where they are physically."
Known as Act 125 of 2022, the legislation facilitates municipalities' efforts to manage vacant and tax-delinquent properties by allowing partnerships and collaborations for converting blighted areas into housing for homeless individuals. Additionally, it exempts land bank transfers from state or local realty transfer taxes.
"While this bill has a very narrow scope, it is an honor to have a piece of legislation become law in my first session as a legislator," Major added. "I look forward to having the opportunity to tackle other issues in the future."
The 60th Legislative District currently includes several townships and boroughs across Armstrong, Butler, and Indiana counties.