St. Tobias Parish issued the following announcement on May 23.
Immortality of the Soul: The belief that the soul — that is, the animating principle of the human person — exists forever after the moment of conception. Eternal life is along-cherished belief in many religions. Scripture and the Magisterium have always taught that the soul will endure; hence, all are called to care for their soul by practicing virtue and avoiding vice.
Imperfections: Deficiencies in one’s character that, although not serious, are obstacles to attaining Christian perfection. The Sacrament of Penance, fraternal correction, prayer, acts of humility and penance are salutary helps in overcoming these weaknesses.
Intention: An act of the human will for the achievement of some purpose or objective —for example, in prayer.
Intercession: A form of the prayer of petition made to God on behalf of others, whether living or departed.
Joy: One of the 12 fruits of the Holy Spirit: the pleasure experienced by one who knows Christ as the ultimate happiness. Joy is a kind of completion to happiness when one becomes a disciple of Jesus; this pleasure will be most intense and perfect in heaven.
Judgment, Particular: The judgment rendered by God at one’s death. The deceased will then go to heaven, purgatory or hell. When the General Judgment occurs, body and soul will be reunited.
Justification: The process by which a sinner is made “righteous” in the sight of God. This occurs when one accepts the free and unearned gift of faith and responds to it by acts of charity — for example, good works performed out of love for God and neighbor.
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Original source can be found here.